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To learn more of the story of our books, read below!

Tim is the prospector of the family.

The Sutherland ladies - Jessica, Neroli, and Raine - are artists, authors, adventurers (who love adventuring with Tim (aka Dad) on the hunt for gold), and prospectors in training.

Below are two books that they’ve self-authored, illustrated, and published. Both are based off true stories of their dogs getting lost, and eventually finding their way home.

Lucy’s story began when we were out gold detecting as a family & all of the dogs ran off! Digger & Roscoe were quickly rounded up, but Lucy remained elusive for 5 months!

Not to be outdone, in 2020, when Finding Lucy’s author copy was quite literally in the mail, Digger ran off and his 6 day adventure around our then hometown of Livingston, Montana began.

Even though it was an accident that Digger got out of our back gate, we couldn’t believe that we were yet again on the hunt for one of our dogs (we ‘joke’ that these books show that we are irresponsible dog owners).

When I reflect back on the experience of looking for Digger, though, I can now see how our love for our animals (in this case Digger) was a driving force that helped us to keep going, and the practice of hunting for gold had fine tuned our ability as a family to ‘stay on the gold’ (in this instance a golden retriever) and have the perseverance to not give up.

Stay tuned for more stories from the Sutherland creative team, which hopefully will never feature a missing animal again!

GQM Publishing